Friday, October 4, 2013

Missing games from the Google Play Market on your Kurio 7? There's a fix for that.

This fix isn't always instant, but it fixes it the problem for sure and indefinitely when its finally working!

Make sure you are rooted and have a little background experience with file manager apps, like ES File Manager!

Once ES File Manager is installed, Open the application and hit Menu, then tap "Settings", this will bring you to the apps Settings Menu. Once in the Settings Menu, scroll all the way down to Root Settings. In Root Settings, "check" Root Explorer and Mount File System

First things first, were changing your 'build.prop' on  your Kurio 7, this will make the Google Play Store think your tablet is actually a Nexus 7, so you get to download all the things the Nexus 7 can play! Most of the games work on it anyways!
Once that is done, go back to the main part of the app that shows all the folders. On that page in the TOP RIGHT you should see a little window like icon, tap that and a set of icons should appear..on the left, there will be an icon that has a star and says Favorites...hit that please. When you hit favorites, it will display the directories on your device, such as Internal Storage, SD CARD, etc. Please tap the icon that shows your device. It can also be distinguished by a "/". By tapping that we have gone into our Devices Internal Storage. The next step is to navigate the system should be towards the bottom. Now enter the system file and scroll to the the bottom there will be your build.prop. Be aware that there is also a file named build.prop.bak, we are not using that file so just leave it alone..and enter the regular build.prop. Open the build.prop, the device will prompt you to ask what editor you would like to use to view/edit the build.prop...just use the ES Note Editor. 
Copy the text below and put it into the places that it goes on your own build.prop ro.product.model=Nexus 7 ro.product.brand=google ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=asus
Sometimes the change takes a few days even to work, other times its almost instant, a few reboots on your device should speed it up though! 
Enjoy the new apps!

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